Concluding past courses
September 24, 2020In the evening of Tuesday, September 29, any Canvas course created for a semester prior to Fall 2020 will be “concluded.” This action is intended to improve course loading speed, increase accessibility of current courses, and reduce course naming conflicts that arise as a result of instructors reusing the same course name semester after semester (which is not recommended). Instructors can reach a concluded course by going to the Courses link in the red side menu in Canvas, then clicking “All Courses,” then clicking the course name. Concluded courses no longer appear on the Dashboard, Calendar, or Inbox listings. A student’s ability to view concluded courses is based on the restrictions the instructor has made in each course’s Settings, which can be changed at any time. Students reach a concluded course through the Courses > All Courses > Course link path. Students cannot add a concluded courses back to their Dashboards.