Verifying Canvas course functionality

September 28, 2018

There are two ways to check your Canvas course functionality using built-in tools. First, go into your course, click ‘Settings’ > click ‘Validate Links in Content’ on far right-side menu > click ‘Start Link Validation.’ A report is generated that lists every invalid or unresponsive link in the content. Correct any reported problems. Second, click either ‘Home’ or ‘Settings’ > in the far right menu click ‘Student View.’ Carefully examine every part of your course to verify that content, activities, and the grade book display as expected. Note the options the student has to modify course appearance (e.g;, change assignment and grade display order). Use your test student role to submit an activity, then switch back to instructor view, grade the submission with feedback, switch to student view and review the graded work. This lets you verify both the assignment submission and feedback processes.

Contact Details:

Name: Karla Embleton
Phone: 294-9198
Department: in administration