Ashlee Harbaugh
·Implement and oversee a middle school guidance program that provides students with a safe and non-judgmental way to voice their concerns or worries ·Assist school administrators and educators with planning and carrying out school-related programs and events ·Analyze student performance in the classroom to provide guidance and identify potential problems ·Help students develop academic plans in accordance with skills, talents and strengths ·Work collaboratively with the school nurse and other support staff ·Facilitate crisis intervention and prevention programs ·Communicate with teachers, parents and administrators about behavioral and academic problems
My most significant accomplishment from this internship is coming to terms with myself. In this major, most individuals think they are going to graduate and save the world, and I was one of them. I now realize that's not the case and I need to do what I can, at this moment.
What advice would you give?
Don't give up. If you want a specific internship to keep pushing, because who knows what you may be offered.