Audrey Gothard

Major: Child, Adult, and Family Services
Minor/option/emphasis: CHFS-Youth Programs
Company/Organization: Amanda the Panda
Destination: Des Moines
Timeframe: Spring
Advisor/Coordinator Email:


My internship at Amanda the Panda has included a great range of different roles/responsibilities. I help with research and curriculum for the support groups at Amanda the Panda and I am also a group facilitator. Along with support groups, I help with different projects that come up, I also help with outreach and fill in wherever necessary.


My greatest accomplishment was facilitating support groups for little ones who had lost a loved one. I was so nervous to work with the kiddos, but very quickly grew to appreciate them so much and we had a lot of special times.

What advice would you give?

I would dive into an internship that is new territory. When starting in grief and loss, I didn't expect that there would so much good and love amongst such heavy times. It really re-routed my mentality and helped me to know I could do more than I let myself think.

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