Chantal Blanco

Major: Child, Adult, and Family Services
Company/Organization: Abby's One True Gift Adoptions
Company/Organization website:
Destination: Waukee, Iowa
Timeframe: Spring
Advisor/Coordinator Email:


During my internship I did a variety of different things. I was able to upload the applications that came in, as well as send out emails to our clients and listen in on the phone calls. I was also able to join in on the online chat and answer questions that some of the clients had. I was also in charge of creating folders for our new clients and assuring that all the paper work was in place. I did a lot of the same task as my other co-workers did. I felt a part of the team.


My greatest accomplishment from my experience was be able to learn how to upload an application on to the data base. Only one other person knew how to do that, and I was able to master that.

What advice would you give?

Advice I suggest for future students is to not be afraid to ask questions. I was lucky enough to have an awesome internship experience where I felt very comfortable with my team. I also suggest to be yourself and take lots of notes because most things do not stick the first time. Do not be afraid to get comfortable or form a bond with your co-workers.

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