John Kerr
- Overseeing groups of 10-20 students per week through programming. - Teaching healthy coping strategies to the students. - Leading team building exercises with our groups of students. - Helping our students develop leadership and job skills through our Young Leader program. - Using trauma informed care when working with students - Participating in nightly staff meetings to debrief and process through each day.
Throughout this internship I have been able to see so much growth in the students we serve. Most of our students come from hard situations and seeing the growth in them in a short period of time is so rewarding.
What advice would you give?
Be willing to go the extra mile because it is so needed and very much appreciated by the people you work with. I would also say to make sure you take care of yourself and find what works for you because there are times you will feel overwhelmed and having a healthy outlet can make all the difference.