New curriculum guides communities on engaging with youth

Faculty News Research News
Frankie Torbor, a 2016 community and regional planning graduate, worked as a peer facilitator during the Design Dialogues workshops in Des Moines. Image has been altered to protect identity. Photo provided by Jane Rongerude who granted the Iowa State University College of Health and Human Sciences communications team permission to publish it.

What started out as an Iowa State University research project has turned into a free curriculum focused on actively engaging youth in the community. The Design Dialogues project, headed by Katherine Richardson Bruna, Kimberly Greder, and Jane Rongerude, commenced from research showing schools are often overlooked in neighborhood revitalization plans, but hold significant importance in community function. 

Working with ISU 4U Promise, the Design Dialogues project team has been able to identify target neighborhoods and lead workshops for local youth that focus on cultivating visions and goals for community change. First beginning as a means to identify both barriers and enablers to the academic success of Black and Latinx youth, this project has now generated a free curriculum for community organizations to engage youth in efforts of community revitalization.

The curriculum is free for use through ISU Extension and Outreach. Read the complete ISU News Service story.

Key contacts

Katherine Richardson Bruna, professor, School of Education, 515-294-4144,

Kimberly Greder, professor of human development and family studies, family life extension state specialist for ISU Extension and Outreach, 515-294-5906,

Jane Rongerude, associate professor, community and regional planning, 515-294-5289,
