Graduate Programs

The graduate programs are structured to allow graduate students to custom design their own program of study (POS). Other than core requirements, students, with approval of their Program of Study Committee, may select from all available graduate coursework to complete the degree. This flexible option is designed to meet the unique needs of our graduate students looking for interdisciplinary curriculum and research:

MS/PhD Curriculum and Doctorate (PhD) Curriculum (includes masters core courses)


  • PhD median time to degree: 4.6 years
  • PhD assistantship students receive 100% tuition remission
  • MS median time to degree: 2.25 years
  • MS assistantship students receive 50% tuition remission

Need More Information?

Graduate Program:
DeAnn Barnes
2330E Palmer Building
2222 Osborn Drive
Ames, IA 50011-1084
