Family and Consumer Sciences Education and Studies

Family and consumer sciences education and studies

Are you interested in people-centered sciences? Family and Consumer Sciences professionals focus on the science and art of living and working well in our complex world. Through hands-on learning, you will analyze Human Services through the lens of sustainability, critical thinking, and leadership principles. In our cross-disciplinary program, you will learn from the experts in content areas across the College of Human Sciences such as:

  • Financial literacy
  • Human development
  • Early childhood education
  • Culinary arts & nutrition
  • Textiles & apparel
  • Housing & interior design

Program Information

There are seven content areas and three options within the family and consumer sciences education and studies major that give specific focus to the broad range of curriculum within the academic program. As a student in family and consumer sciences education and studies, you’ll be able to choose from three options to further define your career path.

  • Teacher licensure: If you’re ready to teach middle and high school students the fundamentals of food and nutrition, family dynamics, financial management, fashion, and other life skills, consider the teacher licensure option. This is an in-demand job field with high placement rates in schools around Iowa and the nation.
  • Communications: If you seek to write or communicate about issues related to family and consumer sciences, then the communications options may be the right fit for you. Our graduates have landed jobs writing for culinary magazines, directing consumer affairs, promoting professional associations, and managing communications for family and consumer sciences-related businesses.
  • Professional studies: Take your extensive knowledge of family and consumer sciences and put it to work in the community. Graduates within the professional studies option work with state and county extension offices, non-profit organizations, youth and community programs, and adult education. The wide range of skills you’ll learn as a family and consumer sciences education and studies major will equip you to help populations of all ages and backgrounds conquer life’s challenges.

Careers, Student Teaching, and Internships

As a graduate of the Iowa State program, you will enjoy a near 100% placement rate after graduation in fields of your choice, including middle or high school education, public relations and writing, extension, youth and adult community program, and non-profit organizations. You are also able to pursue further education options in graduate programs.

Graduate programs in HDFS

Career Services
Prepare for your next job or internship with Career Services, where staff help you with job searches, interview preparation, and resume/cover letter reviews.

Look at a list of career possibilities inside family and consumer sciences education and studies.

Student Teaching and Internships
Most family and consumer sciences education and studies majors will student teach. 16 weeks at both the middle and high school levels is required for this degree. Student teaching placements are available with various school districts and organizations. For more information, visit our careers and internship page.

To apply for internships and full-time positions, use CyHire, on-campus career fairscareer services, or talk to your internship coordinator: Laura Van Waardhuizen.

See where other students have student taught or interned. Visit Career Connections.


  • Family and consumer sciences education and studies has its own resource library, the Bartow Resource Library and Classroom, located in 301 MacKay Hall, that includes textbooks, curriculum materials and professional journals for student and faculty use.
  • Students also have lab experiences in ISU’s nationally accredited Child Development Lab Schoolapparel, merchandising, and design’s Design and Production Lab, and food science and human nutrition’s food labs.
  • Students in the College of Human Sciences have access to large computer labs in MacKay Hall and one in LeBaron Hall.


Are you an undergraduate student seeking a teacher licensure in FCEdS?

Visit our Educator Preparation page to learn what is required and what steps to take.

For those students holding a bachelor’s degree:

Our program offers non-degree plans for obtaining family and consumer sciences education and studies teaching licensing and family and consumer sciences education and studies endorsements. The following checklists are used to evaluate your transcripts and provide a guide for your program of study. Be aware that online courses are available, but limited, and some family and consumer sciences education and studies courses are offered alternating summers. Refer to the schedule of classes for course offering information.

Do you have a bachelor’s degree and need a teaching license in FCEdS?

Teacher Licensure Checklist

Do you have a teaching license, but need the FCEdS endorsement?

Endorsement Course Checklist
Endorsement Course Suggestions

The first step in getting your license or endorsement is to have your transcripts reviewed by our program. Please send transcripts to Laura VanWaardhuizen for this purpose. 

License and endorsement coursework can potentially be a component of other masters programs here on campus.

Family and Consumer Sciences Education and Studies

Curriculum Requirements
Family & Consumer Sciences Teacher Licensure – Long Range Plan 2024-2025

4-year Plans
2024-2025 Family & Consumer Sciences Teacher Licensure – Long Range Plan
2023-2025 sample 4-year plan with communications option
2023-2025 sample 4-year plan with professional studies option

Background Check Policy for Practicum Courses


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